July 29, 2015

When Something Bad Happens

It is easy to lose our way in the fashion jungle and end up with unflattering or unusable clothing. Remember, we are creatures of habit and […]
June 25, 2015

More Tinkle…

Did you know that women have been shaving their faces for ages and some of Hollywood’s most famous stars wielded a razor on their skin? I didn’t. […]
May 27, 2015

10 Things NOT To Do

The good news is that summer is here (hooray). The bad news is that with the hot, muggy temperatures it’s tempting to forget about fashion. Hmmm…we […]
May 23, 2015

Two Great Scarf Ties

April 28, 2015

Shop For A Cause

The NPR ladies are passionate about helping less fortunate women achieve better and healthier lives. NPR is donating 10% of our total sales on May 8 & 9 […]
March 16, 2015

Designer Spotlight

It all began in 1983 when upon settling in Los Angeles from South Africa,  Emil Rutenberg decided to launch a small innovative collection of men’s and […]